- Business and Life Coach
- NLPU Certified Trainer & Consultant
- Energy Psychology Essentials Practitioner
- Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner (SEP)
- SOMA Embodiment® Practitioner (SOMA)
- Integral Somatic Psychology® Practitioner (ISP)
Given Name | Family Name | Chinese Name |
Paul | CHUNG Leung Fai | 鍾梁輝 |
SEP cum SE Assistant and ISP Practitioner Status:
SE Assistant approved to assist and provide personal sessions, individual case consultations for all training levels, and small group case consultations for the Beginning and Intermediate Levels.
ISP and SOMA Embodiment Practitioner.
Detail Descriptions:
He was among the first group of SEPs trained in Hong Kong from 2008-2012.
He offers business and life coaching, emotional and stress management skills integrated from Somatic Experiencing® cum SOMA embodiment®, Integral Somatic Psychology®, NLP, Enneagram, Systemic Constellation and Energy Psychology etc.
He co-works with his wife Lucia to provide SE® cum SOMA embodiment® sessions to lady clients.
He is an active SE assistant. He has assisted in SE training in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Taiwan, Korea and India.
He was the organizer for the SE cohorts 5 & 6, DARe and ISP training in Hong Kong. He is a mentor for the SE training organizers in Shanghai and Beijing.
Credentials and Licences:
- NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner, Judith DeLozier and DeLozier and Associates, USA 1996/1997
- Certificate in Training and Consultancy with NLP, Robert Dilts and Judith DeLozier, NLPU UC Santa Cruz, USA 2000
- Advanced Certficate of Corporate Coaching – Hong Kong Productivity Council, Hong Kong (2003)
- Certificate of Personal Coaching – Dr Keith To, PhD and St James’ Settlement, HK (2003)
- Energy Psychology Essentials – Dr David Gruder, PhD and Willingness Works®, US (2006)
- Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner, FHE Dba SETI, USA 2012
- SOMA training in Trauma and Bodywork, Sonia Gomes, PhD and Zentrum fur Innere Okologie and Polarity Bildungszentrum, Zurich (2017)
- Ego State Therapy – Dr Woltmade Hartman, PhD and MEISA, SA (2019)
- Integral Somatic Psychology® – Raja Selvam, PhD and ISP LLC, USA 2019
- NeuroAffective Touch® –Dr. Aline LaPierre, PhD and The NeuroAffective Touch® Institute, USA (2019)
Somatic Experiencing Journey:
- SEP HK1 (Beg w/Maggie Philips, Raja, Int w/Berns, Raja, Adv w/Sonia, Raja)
- Assisted Taiwan 1 (Beg & Int w/Maggie Kline, Adv w/Sonia)
- Assisted HK2 (Beg w/Sonia, Int w/Cornelia, Sonia, Adv w/Sonia, Raja)
- Assisted HK3 (Beg w/Sonia, Int w/Maggie Philips, Sonia, Adv w/Sonia, Raja)
- Assisted HK4 (Beg w/Sonia, Int w/Dave, Sonia, Adv w/Raja, Sonia)
- Assisted Taiwan 2 (Adv 1 w/Sonia)
- Assisted Taiwan 3 (Beg I/II w/Maggie Kline)
- Assisted Seoul cohort 1 (with Dave Berger)
- Assisted Bengaluru cohort 2 (with Efu)
- Sponsored & Assisted HK5 (w/Sonia, Pedro Prado, Raja,)
- Sponsored & Assisted HK6 (w/Pedro Prado)
- Mentoring Shanghai Cohort 1, Beijing Cohort 1
- Assisting in HK7 (w/Pedro Prado)
Personal Contacts:
- HK mobile /WhatsApp : (852) 9199 8788
- China mobile /WeChat : (86) 139 2834 2781
- email: paulchung330@gmail.com
- WhatsApp/ Facebook/ Line/ LinkedIn/ Zoom : (852) 9199 8788
- Language: Cantonese/English/Putonghua
- Fee for SE students: HK$800 or US$100 per 50 mins session