- Clinical Psychologist 臨床心理學家
- Clinical Supervisor 臨床督導
- Lecturer 講師
- Professional Counsellor 專業輔導員
- Registered Social Worker 註冊社會工作者
- SEP 體感治療師
- Spiritual Director 靈修指導
Given Name | Family Name | Chinese Name |
Mee |
SE Assistant / SEP / SE Student Status:
SEP, SE Assistant approved to assist in the Beginning Level.
Detail Descriptions:
- Mee is a life-long learner. After graduating from the Doctor of Clinical Psychologist (Clinical Psychology) programme in 2013, she continues to acquire different academic and professional training in theology, spiritual direction, family therapy, Satir model of counselling, play therapy, clinical hypnotherapy, mindfulness, yoga and somatic experiencing.
- Apart from providing individual and family therapy, Mee also serves as a clinical supervisor and teaches counselling, personal development and spiritual growth courses at a theological seminary. Her clientele covers children, adolescents, adults and families. She also provides spiritual direction and serves the LGBT communities.
- Mee是一個終身學習者。 2013年從心理學博士(臨床心理學)課程畢業後,她繼續進修神學、靈修指導、家庭治療、沙維雅輔導模式、遊戲治療、臨床催眠治療、正念、瑜伽和體感治療等不同的學術和專業範疇。
- 除了提供個人和家庭治療外,Mee還在神學院擔任臨床督導,並教授輔導、個人發展和靈命成長課程。她的臨床經驗包括兒童、青少年、成人和家庭。她還提供靈修指導及關顧性少眾。
- Psychotherapy 心理治療
- Family therapy 家庭治療
- Play therapy 遊戲治療
- Spiritual direction 靈修指導
- Mindfulness Yoga 正念瑜伽
- Clinical creative supervision 臨床督導
Credentials and Licences:
- (2021) Mindfulness Yin Yoga Teacher Training with Chris Su (200 hours) (Pure International (HK) Limited)
- (2019) Specialist Teacher Training Retreat in Mindfulness Based – Cognitive Therapy for Cancer (4 days) (CUHK Thomas King Centre for Mindfulness Research &Training)
- (2019) Course Director Training for Play Therapy in France (15 days) (Play Therapy International, UK)
- (2019) Certified Play Therapist & Creative Supervisor Training (2014- 2019) (Play Therapy International, UK)
- (2017) Professional Counseling Certificate Course in Using Satir Transformational Systematic Therapy (3 years 2013-2017) (Satir Institute of the Pacific and Hong Kong Satir Centre)
- (2017) Certified Hypnotherapist Training (International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association)
- (2014) Advance Certificate Course in Family Therapy (1 year) (Asian Academy of Family Therapy)
- (2013) Dance and Movement Transformational Therapy Course (Satir Institute of the Pacific and Hong Kong Satir Centre)
Somatic Experiencing Journey:
- (2020) Adv II w/ Sonia Gomes, Adv I w/ Raja Selvam
- (2019) Int w/ Pedro Prado
- (2018) Beg w/ Sonia Gomes
Personal Contacts:
- Email : meetoo2013@gmail.com